Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Exhibition Announcement

Just Press Print Exhibition, Northern Print, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 21st June - 10th August 2012

The exhibition Just Press Print presents a series of digitally mediated artworks that have been initiated as part of a print editioning and publishing practice. The emphasis on digital technology within a discipline that is predicated in print seeks to explore the  broadening possibilities for the graphic artifact in the digital age. 
The exhibition features a number of early career and established artists as part of CFPR Editions exploration of contemporary print developments - whilst ensuring a diverse range of styles and approaches when realising ideas in print. Artists in the exhibition include:
 Carolyn Bunt, Arthur Buxton, Paul Coldwell, Richard Falle, Brendan Reid, Sebastian Schramm, Roy Voss, Katie Davies and Peter Walters

Within the context of a collaborative print studio practice, the exhibition format will also include the printed matter and conversations that both inform and reveal the physical renderings of the 'push button' process.

CFPR Editions is equally committed to the broader field of research and the dissemination of its collaborative undertakings as part of the Centre for Fine Print Research, UWE, Bristol. In response to the development of CFPR Editions Dr Paul Laidler will be presenting a paper  entitled Digital publications and technical innovations; the collaborative print studio in the digital age as part of the Industry and Genius in the Printing Trade Conference held by the Printing Historical Society, Birmingham City University, September 2012.

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